Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Shocking Truths About The Dangers of Alloy Wheel Welding Fume

Alloy Wheel Welding fume is one kind of mixture of silicates, fluorides and metallic oxides. It is generally formed when a welded metal starts heating over the boiling points and its vapour starts condensing into the solid and fine particles. The composition of welding fume generally depends upon the welded product and the method of welding procedures. During alloy wheel welding, many gases are released include nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide or CO2, carbon monoxide or CO, shielding gases and ozone. Apart from that, welding fume consists of different types of fine particles such as chromium, nickel, zinc, manganese, cobalt, lead, copper etc.

Three risk factors of welding fume

There are three different factors of welding fume that determine risk. They include

    1. Toxicity of welding fume 
    2. The concentration of welding fume 
    3. Duration of breathing in metal fumes

Toxicity of welding fume: The fume toxicity may vary. According to the research, the toxicity generally depends upon the method of welding, the material used in welding and materials that are to be welded. 

The concentration of welding fume: The rate of fume concentration is highest in fume plume. The concentration generally contains very harmful substances and gases. 

Duration of breathing in metal fumes: This risk factor depends upon the duration of breathing in welding fume. Some welders do a welding operation 1 to 2 hours in a day. Others can do for a long time. More fumes are produced in the longer welding processes.

How can fumes affect health?

Many health diseases are caused by welding fumes. If a welder inhale the welding gases, vapours and metal fumes in a very large quantities, the health of the welder suffer from coughing, short breath, bronchitis, skin diseases, gastritis, kidney problems, heart disease, cramps, vomiting, nausea, Parkinson's disease, lung cancer, edema, lungs inflammation, heart disease, infertility, pneumonia, silicosis, emphysema, asthma, eyes, chest and nose irritation.

How welders protect themselves from fumes?

As we discussed above, welding fume is very dangerous for human health as it contains toxic gases and harmful substances. So, the welder should wear safety accessories properly.

    • The welder should wear a well-designed safety helmet
    • He should keep his face away from fume as much as possible
    • He should try to work in a welding environment where there are large industrial fans and exhaust ventilation. 
Welding fume is very dangerous. It contains toxic gases and fine particles. To avoid fumes wearing safety accessories is highly essential. Otherwise, the health of a welder may suffer from many long term disease including cancer.

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